Friday, March 27, 2009


I love to draw.

I'm working on something new now, I just downloaded Paint Tool Sai, and now I have better capability of coloring things.

So, stuff I've done ==>

There's not much there yet, because I completely forgot about DeviantArt for a long time. And I didn't have much of a chance to scan stuff in because of so much homework. However, amongst all the old stuff, there's a new drawing of the girl in the Girl's Not Grey music video and a sketch of Jade Puget.

And: here's my new Twitter. My username was formerly EFband, but I changed it to 338 because a) I think it's easier to remember b) I like it because 338, I suspect, is supposed to be "what comes after" since 336 was "what comes before." It also makes me think of The Spoken Word, Clandestine, and a bunch of stuff. And maybe DECEMBERUNDERGROUND.

I'm surprised that I have a 3-letter username now. Especially 338. I thought that would have been taken.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


This might be kind of "old" for some people, but I saw it for the first time yesterday.

And this. Cuteness overload.

This never gets old.

That is all.