Monday, July 20, 2009

Some of the important things I've learned in my life.

• Play-Doh doesn't taste good, no matter how good it smells.
• Air freshener can stain your skin.
• Don't leave earrings with small backings in your ears for too long.
• Hospitals are not fun places when you're stuck there for an extended period of time.
• Don't leave those stickers from EKGs on too long. They will be really, really hard to pull off.
• Milk cartons do not make good pets.
• Cherish everything while you still have it. I know that sounds cheesy and you've probably heard it a bajillion times, but it's true. Soon enough, you might lose something near and dear to you.
• Often people don't realize the value of what they have until it's gone.
• Don't try to cut your hair, or really anyone's hair for that matter, if you don't know how and/or you don't have good scissors. Especially if you're four and you try to use safety scissors.
• Your mom WILL find out if you dye your hair orange.
• Sun-In generally does not give the results on the package. It's unpredictable.
• If something makes you sick/feel bad/have an allergic reaction, don't eat it again. I know that's common sense for most of us, but some people... *sigh*
• If there is a big sale somewhere, go as soon as possible, otherwise the good stuff will usually be gone.
• Don't buy shoes or clothes if they don't fit. Seriously. If they don't have what you want in your size/a size that's not uncomfortable, then buy it somewhere else. It doesn't matter if it's on sale at that store.
• Please don't pretend you passed out. Just don't.
• If you feel like you are going to pass out, please immediately sit or lie down.

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